Wellness & wellbeing


Right here at our resort: Relax with a gentle oil massage, a stronger pressure treatment or a traditional Ayurvedic Padabhyanga (foot therapy).

yoga flow

Join the morning yoga routine or having a individual yoga class. Wether you want to improve your fitness, having some movement limitations and want to gain more flexibility or you just like to start the day with some soothing stretches as I do.

We practice a variety of simple Asanas (physical) and Pranayamas (breathing exercises). You don't need any previous knowledge. It is suitable for all physical constitutions.

ayurveda lifestyle & health coaching

Ayurveda has its origins in Southeast Asia, it is the oldest medical science and has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. It includes body, mind, soul & energy. We all carry an unique constitution within us. Due to many circumstances we fall out of our inner balance. Consequences are a poor immunsystem, restlessness, irregular digestion or advanced disease symptoms. Specific lifestyle changes helps to strengthen ourselves, to stay healthy in body and pure in mind. Even small changes have a huge effect!

With targeted questions you discover your own dosha constitution, why you might fell out of your natural balance and what are the causes of certain complaints. You will receive suggestions for easily implementable adjustments and changes in your everyday life for the life issues you would like to change.

Human Design Reading

The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences, and has proven to be a valuable tool for human understanding. It is not built on belief or faith but is a logical, empirical system that offers you the opportunity to experiment with its mechanics. It is a wonderful tool which brings you closer to your thruth personality. You discover what makes you different from everyone else: strenghts you might didn't think were exceptional, peculiarities you didn't allow yourself to live by and conditioning that never matched to your true self. It offers profound insights into your psychology, along with strategies and techniques for making correct decisions and ultimately leading to a life of more ease and fulfillment. Once you start experimenting with the knowledge, you may experience changes in your perspective. Its supporting you to learn how to live your fullest potential.

Which topics of yours you would like to understand more, about what do you struggle with or wish to have a new point of view? Get your unique birth chart!


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