offers at our resort
Lao Cooking classes
Do you know the lao kitchen already? What is your favourite? Shopping at the local market and cook some lao dishes together!

Hiking at our village
A walk along the river, up the hill to the orange farm (depending on the season also sweet grapefruit) and enjoy a picnic there.

Join the farmers at work. Plant or harve rice. In the traditional way, the fields are still ploughed by buffaloes.

Bamboo workshop
Bamboo is used in many different ways. Its a strong, robust and flexible material. Learn how to use it and carve some items.

other options
- Fishing: discover our charming riverside village and be introduced to traditional fishing techniques and equipment.
- Boat trip: Enjoy a ride on a wooden boat across the river and have a picnic in the beautiful garden.
- Get to know everyday village life: visit the school, try weaving, having lunch with a local family or at the rice field.
- To end the day: Enjoy the sunset in an exclusive location.
- At a village nearby you can see and try with a friend of our family the old handicraft of lao weaving.

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